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views63 posted @ 2010年9月01日 23:30 in I with tags 数学 , 2185 阅读




\(F \) 和定义在  \(F \) 二元关系加法"+"和乘法"  \(\cdot \)"

对于  \(a,b,c\in F \)

在加法和乘法上封闭, \(a+b\in F,a\cdot b \in F \)

加法和乘法符合结合律, \((a + b) + c = a +(b +c ),( a \cdot b )\cdot c= a\cdot (b\cdot c) \)

加法和乘法符合交换律,  \(a+b=b+a,a\cdot b=b\cdot a \)

符合乘法对加法的分配律  \(a\cdot (b + c) = (a \cdot b) + (a \cdot c) \)

存在加法单位, \(0\in F \),使得  \(\forall a\in F,a + 0 = a \)

存在乘法单位元, \(0\neq a\in F \),使得  \(a \cdot 1 = a \)

存在加法逆元, \(\forall a\in F \),存在  \(- a \) 使得  \(a + (-a) = 0 \)

存在乘法逆元, \(\forall a\neq 0 \),存在元素  \(a^{-1} \) 使得  \(a\cdot a^{-1} = 1 \)




给定集合  \(S \) ,若  \(\cal F \) 是  \(S \) 的一子集族,如果 \(\cal F \) 满足:

1. \(\emptyset \in \cal F  \)

2. \(A\in {\cal F}\Rightarrow A^c\in\cal F \)

3. \(A,B\in{\cal F}\Rightarrow A\cup B\in\cal F \)


 \(\triangle \)相当于“+”, \(\cap \) 相当于“ \(\cdot \)”


 \(A\triangle B=(A\cup B)-(B\cap A)=(A\cup B)\cap (A^c\cup B^c) \)


 \((A\cup B), (A^c\cup B^c)\in \cal F \)

又  \(A\cap B=(A^c\cup B^c)^c \)

所以  \(A\triangle B,A\cap B\in\cal F \)

加法和乘法符合结合律, \((A\triangle B) \triangle C = A \triangle (B\triangle C),(A \cap B)\cap C = A \cap (B\cap C) \)

存在零元, \(\emptyset\in {\cal F} \),使得  \(\forall a\in {\cal F},A \triangle\emptyset =A \)

存在乘法单位元, \(\emptyset\neq A\in {\cal F} \),使得  \(A \cap S = A \)

存在加法逆元, \(\forall A\in F \),存在  \(A \) 使得  \(A \triangle A = \emptyset \)


而由分析中的定义可得  \(A,B\in {\cal F}\Rightarrow A\cap B=(A^c\cup B^c)^c\in \cal F \)

 \(A-B=A\cap B^c \) 进而  \(A\triangle B=(A\cup B)-(B\cap A)\in\cal F \)


views63 说:
2010年9月06日 10:00

输入公式的时候不能打两次空格,否则会生成   使结果多出\hat{A}

views63 说:
2010年9月07日 13:05


views63 说:
2010年10月03日 16:17

c (ab+kb)&=cab+ckb\\

Assam HSLC Hindi Que 说:
2022年9月30日 01:34 Hindi is the National language and it is the second language of SEBA for class 10th standard (HSLC & AHM) students, Assam HSLC Hindi Question Paper and the first language for Hindi Medium students, and there is a huge number of students are studying in the state Assamese Medium and other medium government and private schools across in the state of Assam. Hindi is the National language and it is the second language of SEBA for class 10th standard (HSLC & AHM) students.

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